There are 14 posts tagged with #Funding
Q-ONE - Quantum Optical Networks based on Exciton-polaritons, finanziato dall’Unione europea EU (2023 - 2027).
The mission of FEMTO-PRINTER is to explore and study polaritonic nonlinearities and manipulate quantum light sources within two-dimensional (2D) materials, utilizing femtosecond laser micromachinin...
Complexity, disorder and fluctuations: spin glass physics and beyond (2023 - 2025).
A quantum neuromorphic recognition machine of quantum states. QNoRM aims at exploring a novel approach for sensing quantum states of light based on machine learning.
Integrated Infrastructure Initiative in Photonic and Quantum Sciences, finanziato dall’Unione europea - NextGeneration EU (2022 - 2025).
NQSTI - National Quantum Science and Technology Institute, finanziato dall’Unione europea - NextGeneration EU.
Hardware implementation of a polariton neural network for neuromorphic computing (2021 - 2023).
LazioInnova: NanoProbe "Nano-imaging endoscopico innovativo mediante tecniche di machine learning" .
Room-temperature Exciton Polariton Condensates in Perovskite Semiconductor Microcavities: from Quantum Control to Optoelectronic Devices (2021 - 2025).
COVID - Electro-optical waveguide sensor based on light-matter interaction - "Wavesense" .
Interacting Photons in Polariton Circuits.
In this proposal we plan to bring to a development stage TRL 3 an electro-optical device working at room temperature and based on polaritons (an hybrid photon-exciton particle) made of 2D perovskit...
Light matter interaction solar energy and infrared detection (2017-2019).
Polaritons are quantum superpositions of light and matter which combine appealing properties of both: the high coherence of photons and the strong interaction (non-linearities) of electrons. With t...