CNR staff, director
My research revolves around the intriguing domain of strong light-matter coupling, leading to the emergence of novel quasiparticles known as exciton-polaritons. My interests encompass the study of various materials and nanostructured systems, including both inorganic semiconductors and organic/hybrid 2D materials where these hybrid particles form. This extends to investigating quantum fluids of light, such as out-of-equilibrium Bose-Einstein Condensates, particularly when formed in specifically engineered band structures, of which, the topology, can be artificially designed. These fundamental studies have tremendous potential applications, ranging from ultrafast, low-power optical components and lasers to the realms of quantum computation and neuromorphic computing. Through this pioneering research, we aim to unlock new frontiers in understanding and harnessing the fundamental interactions between light and matter.
Daniele has published 111 articles with us. The most recent ones are: