All about Events

There are 7 posts tagged with #Events

QFL Events


We are pleased to announce a scientific workshop on Quantum Fluids of Light and Matter, jointly organized by CNR-INO and CNR-Nanotec as part of the NQSTI project (Spoke 3 and Spoke 4). The event wi...

QFL Events


Join us for a ✨ FREE ✨ beer and aperitivo on Friday, 11th of October, 19:30 at the Crocevia Centro Multiculturale. We have planned an awesome night for you where we'r...

Events Materials


Today and tomorrow, 6th and 7th of November, Andrea Crespi from Milan Polytechnique is visiting us for the Kick Off meeting of the project PRIN 2022 FEMTO-PRINTER, which aims at the integration of ...



We are organising a predoctorate school in polaritonics that will take place in Lecce in April 8 - 12, 2024.

The school is a gateway to the fascinating realm of quantum photonics in solid-st...



We are organising the XVIII edition of OECS, the International Conference on Optics of Excitons in Confined Systems (OECS 18), that will take place in Lecce (Italy) from 12 to 16 of June 2023. OECS...



The kick-off meeting of the Interacting Photons in Polariton Circuits (INPhoPOL), PRIN project will take place in Lecce (Italy) from 2 to 3 of September 2019.



The IV edition of TERAMETANANO, the International Conference on Terahertz Emission, Metamaterials and Nanophotonics, will take place in Lecce (Italy) from 27 to 31 of May 2019 in the 16th-century C...

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